Feel like you’ve lost your sparkle?
I believe that you haven’t actually lost your sparkle – it’s still there, and always has been, dwelling deep inside your heart, your mind and your soul.
You haven’t lost your sparkle at all. You just need to rediscover it, and bring it out into the open where it can bloom like a glorious spring blossom, or a shooting start streaking through the dark. Because, you see, your sparkle is in your stories, your life paths, the souls you’ve crossed paths with, and the passions that drive you.
I’m Claudia, a life coach who can help you rediscover your sparkle, and polish it up so that it shines like it never has before. I can assist in the all-important task of not only finding your stories, but owning them. My sparkle, for example, is derived from being among like-minded, passionate people; providing and participating in a network of inspiration, friendship, sharing and support.